Category: Main Dishes
Origin: Lebanon
For how many people: 10
Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking time: 20 min
Story of the recipe or story of the chef:
Mughli is a traditional dessert that is served when a baby is born in the family. You can also use it as a Christmas dessert. On my travels, I found it to be a popular dessert among the international community.
List of ingredients:
- 8 cups of water
- 2 cups of sugar
- 1 cup of powdered rice
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- 2 tbsp caraway
- 1 tbsp aniseed powder
For the decoration :
- Coconut powder
- Almonds
- Pistachos
- Walnuts
Preparation Mode:
1. Add sugar to water and boil. Add some of the water to the rice and the remaining ingredients slowly to dissolve, then add all of the water on top, stirring slowly. Bring to the boil.
2. Put in a pressure cooker and cook for 10 minutes. Pour into individual bowls and leave to cool.
3. Serve garnished with plenty of nuts and shredded coconut.
4. For the nuts: Soak the almonds, pistachios and walnuts in water. Peel and soak again with pine nuts. Serve cold.
My top tip:
You can prepare the Mughli in advance, but you should add the decoration when serving to keep the nuts crunchy.
*Caraway pudding.